Monday, November 29, 2010

I leave tomorrow

Totally excited. The only things I have to do are: charge the Kindle, cell, iPod and anything else that needs a charge.

Wash my hair.

Get a good night's sleep, but not too much. I should be tired by the time I get on the plane to Paris.

Snow outside Paris. Not today. Totally excited!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Snow in Paris next week!

My landlord just emailed.

I not only have no winter coat or boots.

I do have a scarf and hat.

Let's go!

Here I comes

Lists no longer matter. I leave with not enough medication, not enough tonnage lost and as usual, no clue. Let's do this thing!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Fer Realz

I need to call the cab co to make arrangements for the band to pick up my boxes to take to the storage locker.

I need to call the storage co.

I need to dye my hair.

I need to finish packing.

#1 I need to go to the Urgant Care & get script for emergency inhaler & 1 of my 3 HBP meds.

I've done none of them. I leave in one week. WHAT WILL MOTIVATE ME????


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Eiffel Bunny

Worried about which one shows up

I don't want either, but if I must... Since I'm actually going somewhere, mania might be satisfied. Stuck on a plane for that long... dunno

Soon, I will be going. I have to get my PO Box, my boxes stored, my terror conquered. It ain't easy, which is why I haven't done two of the above. I do hope I won't run screaming through the plane. I haven't flown in years.